
recent (and not-so) Cosmonaut love

I got another Etsy front page spot back in February; thanks, as usual, is owed to the Etsy Front Pagers on Flickr.

More exciting was getting featured in a blog post about plaid items at the The Experts Agree! (And they were nice enough to sent me an Etsy message about it, although my Google Alerts did pick it up as well.) It looks like a really awesome blog; the collections they put together are very well done, and they post on more than just art and craft sellers. They have some great posts on typography and graphic design. They are definitely on my design blog reading list now!


all-new math

More New Math


trying to get back in the blogging swing

It's been a long time since. I have a home now, and a job. I am trying to normalize my life. For me, this includes working on Cosmonaut; blogging, Flickring, making things, etc. I am trying to get re-inspired. I don't know how to operate this blog smoothly yet; whether I want it to be mostly about me, my creations, photos and drawings that inspire me, or some combination thereof.

The easiest thing to do is scavenge on ffffound for things I enjoy, so here's some of that:


etsy front page!

Thanks to the Etsy Front Pagers, my Google alert picked up this screenshot of my Brown Woodgrain Belt featured on the Etsy front page (9th spot). My views and hearts went WAY up. No sales yet, but it's a good start! It makes me feel a bit guilty for not working on my shop more, but at the same tim it's invigorating and might kick me back into the "making' mindset. Either way, it was a pleasant surprise!


one thing keeps me going...

I clipped a printed version of this comic once. This very nearly explains my continued existence.

via Wondermark



The disturbing neglect this blog has received for the past month-ish is due to this fact. Fortunately not living on the street quite yet, but all of my worldly possessions are in something with wheels on it. I never thought I would feel what it means to be "in a recession". I have been searching HARD for a job for over 6 weeks now. I have gotten one call back, which never went anywhere. I never thought I could want to mop floors so bad. I would do anything right now, just to be making money.
Nowadays, I perform such glamorous activities as showering at the gym, sleeping on floors, and stealing WiFi while idling in front of Safeway.
The worst part of it for me is that I'm not making anything. I haven't been drawing. I can't even spare a thought for creative flights of fancy because they seem so goddamn luxurious, and I'm wasting my time because why aren't I filling out that application to stack bananas at Whole Foods.
Add to this the fact that I am trying to apply for grad schools, but they each want at least $50 just to decide I'm not good enough to go there. I had to decide whether to pay my phone bill or send 5 pieces of paper to Columbia University.

At least I'm back in the Bay Area and have access to good burritos. Nom nom.